
An Icelandic lair:

Thanks to a brilliant suggestion by Weasel, I've realized what I really need is a lair of my own, preferably an ice palace in Iceland like the one in Die Another Day (not a great movie for a Bond flick, but the Iceland scenes were amazing). Along with the scantily-clad women one typically finds in a lair, my ice palace would also feature numerous penguins, wombats, porcupines, kangaroos, chimps and dogs (of course) and would be furnished entirely in B&B Italia, Cassina and a few select mid-century modern pieces. And I'll take some of those Bond gadgets, too.


Anonymous said...

I love the lair. Let's move there NOW.

Wisdom Weasel said...

I can see you holding the world to ransom until they provide you and Libraria Luvacruise with the first genetically modified "Kanguin".

Thanks for the props- I don't think any suggestion I've ever made has been described as brilliant before.

Bill Norris said...

You need a sidekick, don't you?

Wisdom Weasel said...

Bill, you'd have to go by a name thatt could be a candy bar, a mobile PDA/phone type thing, or a compact model Fiat or Renault. "Trio" or "Mr. Fivegood" or something similar.

(My word verification is "ekoks"- an online rooster emporium, or something ruder?)

Wes said...

Bill, maybe you could go as Mr. Bar None. Or Tex.
But what kind of special talents could you offer as my sidekick. Can you invent some tiny little gadgets? Or maybe you could develop my "kanguin."

Anonymous said...

I'd just like to point out that Wes is really running with this lair idea. Last night we were watching TV and the latest Victoria's Secret commercial came on, the one for that latest crazy "wireless" (does it get Internet??) technological marvel of a bra. The woman dancing around looks much like a Bond girl - silhouetted, etc. Wes decided that the music that plays in this Bond-like ad is the music that will play each time I, Libraria Luvacruise, enter the lair.

Bill Norris said...

I thought Evil Sidekicks were required to do whatever asked by the Evil Leader?

And then, when push comes to shove, screw up through either cowardice or their shameless ambition for the top Evil Chair?

But I mix a mean Evil Cocktail. Then my Evil Name could be
Isaac, in an homage to the Love Boat.

Wisdom Weasel said...

"Mr. Boston" has a nice cocktail/henchman name. You'll have to get a bowler hat and spats though.

Wes said...

I feel that sidekicks should not only be evil but also have a special talent, such a throwing a knife-edged hat, or your master drink-mixing skills. I christen Bill, Evil Dr. Mixer. Now, what is your theme music?
Weasel, I think you would make a good Mr. Boston.

Bill Norris said...

I can not possibly be Mr. Boston. Weasel, I gather that you are a football fan. Me being Mr. Boston would be akin to a Celtic's fan being reborn as Dr. Rangers. It just won't work for me.

I will go with Dr. Mixer. But spats and a bowler hat? I can do that.

Music, hmmmm....

Wisdom Weasel said...

If the implication is that you are a Yankees fan then you have the "evil" part of the sidekick down.

For theme, I'm thinking braying horns a la "Feelin' Good" by Nina Simone with either Shirley Bassey or Lulu trilling "Dr. Mixer, he's a trixter, wears shiny white spats, and a nice bowler hat, oooh oooh oooh..."

Wes, I suggest that you and Libraria would have your entrances marked with aggressive German techno and lots of strobe lights.

Bill Norris said...

Yes. I'm a Yankee fan. But I come by it honestly in terms of geography. And I was there for all those years from 1978-1996. Which was most of my childhood/young adulthood.

But I also decided to like Manchester City as a kid because I liked their uniform. And that hasn't really worked out for me.

Your music is good, but I'm also thinking something from this might be good.

Wes said...

I think the German techno would fit the lair perfectly, but for you, Bill, I guess we could throw in a bit of retro with "Taste of Honey".