A padded Bubblewrap suit:

After this past weekend I've decided I need a soft, padded, protective suit to keep me safe. A suit of Bubblewrap would be perfect. Anything to avoid another injury— I've have now reached injury number 3 in a mere 18 months.
December 2004: Sprained ligament in my left ankle from overuse (i.e. too much running, yoga, pulling at the dogs to keep them from eating chicken bones on the street). It took about 2 months of physical therapy and about 5 months without running before it healed.
February 2006: Sprained ligament in my right wrist from over use. Once again I can blame pulling on the dogs, along with yoga and typing. Physical therapy completed in April, about 80 percent recovered.
April 29, 2006: Broken right 3rd metatarsal. Expected time before I can once again put weight on my right foot: 8 weeks.